Faith Formation
This ministry has many programs that are vital to the life of the parish:
- Religious Education Classes for Catholic students in public school grades Kindergarten through Grade 8. Classes are Sunday mornings 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. in the OLMC School.
- High School Confirmation Candidates are required to attend the Saturday Vigil at 4:00 p.m. or Sunday morning Mass at 8:15 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. Grade 7 and Grade 9 Confirmation Candidates follow a calendar of scheduled Master Session/activities through the school year. This is a 2-year process which encompasses regular Mass attendance, service projects, Master Classes, active participation in the Liturgy as an Altar Server and Reader.
- Rite Of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) - Offers to all the opportunity to find Jesus. The R.C.I.A. was established as the Church's official process to prepare candidates for introduction and entrance into the Church. The process is intended for those unbaptized adults and those baptized in a non-Roman Christian Church; e.g. Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, Non-denominational, and anyone seeking full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Please contact the Parish Office if you or someone you know is interested in this process. We welcome all inquires.
- Sacramental preparation programs for families for: Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.
- Adult Confirmation Preparation.
- Training programs for volunteers engaged in all areas of Parish life; i.e., Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers and Ushers at Masses
- Spiritual Direction for individuals and families.
“The theological challenge of today is drawing religion
out of people not pumping something into them.”
Karl Rahner
“We are each angels with only one wing.
And we can only fly by embracing
each other.”
Luciano De